
Bible on church pews

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The Panama Congregation of the Global Methodist Church is proud to stand in the Protestant tradition that each Christian is called to minister in the name of Jesus Christ.

As a local community of faith we endeavor to help people identify their spiritual gifts and strengths and then apply them to the work of Christ's church.

We firmly believe that "the ministry of all believers" is essential to the church's effectiveness in promoting mercy, justice, and peace.

Some of the ministries of the church are listed below with the Team Leaders:

Bible Quizzing - Jon & Becky Cable --  An effective tool that helps motivate adults and young people to learn God's Word, work together as a team, and expand their understanding of Scriptures.

Christian Camping - Stacy Taylor
PMC has been blessed with financial support over the years to be able to send many youth to Christian summer camps. We support the camps in our area: Mission Meadows in Dewittville, New York; Miracle Mountain in Spring Creek, Pennsylvania; and Wesley Woods in Grand Valley, Pennsylvania. We believe that attending a Christian summer camp can change a person's life and strengthen a person's faith in God. Our local Christian camps also hold retreats throughout the year that adults and youth are encouraged to attend.

Christian Education - Jessica Nelson
We desire that all who believe in Him, be ever learning His word We believe the Bible to be the word of our God. We entrust His word to direct our lives for communion with God and each other. Proverbs 1:5 - Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. (NIV) Sunday School - 9 a.m. every Sunday - We offer classes for Pre-K (age 4) to senior adults.  We are offering Fellowship Breakfast during the Sunday School time, periodically (always check the PMC calendar).  This event begins at 8:45 am.

Church Council - Curtis Reynolds
The Church Council collaborates with individuals and teams to provide administrative oversight of the work being done toward accomplishing the mission and ministry of the church.  The Council encourages teams to grow in all areas of discipleship so our work is centered on being Christ-like in all things.  The Council membership is made up of church staff and the chairs or leaders of each team and committee within the church.

For additional details go to

Church Growth & Vision - this team discerns and envisions the future for our congregation and helps us live into it.  Our Intentional Discipleship Process guides all believers to growth in Christ.

Communion Stewards - Mark & Karen Morton

Community Outreach - this team finds ways to love on our community by helping us be a church in, for, and with our community and region.

Congregational Care - An outreach to the congregation and surrounding community including transportation, worship flowers, non-resident communications, and Joys & Concerns.

Connections Logo Connections Ministry - provides after school care for students grades K-6 in the Panama Central School District.  Facilitators engage the children in Bible devotions, snack, crafts and play. See Connections brochure here and registration form here.

God's Groceries Food Pantry - Tina Swineford
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35  Hours: Monday is our official pantry day with hours from 9 -10 a.m. and 6 – 7 p.m. We are also open on Thursday from 5 - 7 p.m.

Grace Visitation - Debbie and Bill Peck

Home Communion Stewards - Available to those who are not able to attend Sunday worship when Communion is offered.

Hospitality - Pam Ireland & Julia Nelson

Library - Tabetha Butler
Consists of Christian literature, videos, research materials, and books for your leisure reading.  For a complete list of library collections and to take out a book, visit our Library on the second floor, or browse our online collection. For questions, email us!

Memorial Team- Eloise Smith

Minstry Safe (formerly Safe Sanctuaries) - Maddie Post, Kids Ministry Director
The Panama Methodist Church congregation has established Ministry Safe Guidelines in order to provide a safe environment for children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Our Guidelines seek to provide an atmosphere where adults are free to teach and love children, youth, and vulnerable adults in a Christ-like manner; and children, youth, and vulnerable adults can pursue their journey to know, love, and serve God freely without fear.

Missions - Howie Wheeler
Shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who may be experiencing illness, poverty, financial hardship, or who may never have had the opportunity to worship in a church family. Our outreach helps support many missions both local and international.

Music Director - Julie Nagel

Nominations and Leadership Development- Pastor Steven Taylor

Prayer Chain - A group of caring members available to pray for your immediate concerns and emergencies.

Safety & Security Response - Jeff Enlow

Staff/Parish Relations - Don Butler

Stewardship - Kyle Hinsdale

Kids Ministry Director - Maddie Post

Tender Loving Care groups - The Panama Methodist Church is committed to Small Group Ministry. The groups focus on sharing and caring for each member, learning more about God's Word, and developing members' prayer lives. This is a way for our growing church family to stay connected with each other. Each T.L.C. groups' lay pastor has gone through training with the pastor. All church members and friends are invited to become a part of one of these groups. This ministry has proven to be a valuable part of our church life. For information on days and times of meeting, contact the church office.
Band of Brothers - Carl Davis, Howie Wheeler, and Pastor Steve Taylor -- Men's Bible Study Group
CHAT - George & Trudy Anderson
Rooted - Becky Cable, Jackie Haines and Stacy Taylor -- Women's Bible Study Group

Trustees - Jeff Ireland

Vacation Bible School - Megan Reynolds - An outreach to church family and community for fun, fellowship, and learning. Offered for one week during the summer.

Worship Team- Brenda Ireland

Worship Leader - Lisa Ireland

Intentional Discipleship